You can catch big trout
when you know how big trout THINK.

Learn how smart anglers catch BIG TROUT

in rivers, streams, dams and lakes.

Copy these 'old master angler tricks'

and you'll be catching big trout too.
Hey, we're talking about real trophy fish -

giant rainbow trout and huge brown trout -

ten pounds, or 24 inches. Real trophy fish.

Learn HOW to successfully fish the rivers, streams, dams and lakes in your area.
You know they're filled with cunning trout. Today you can learn how to catch them!
Read how even a novice fisherman can discover the lifetime secrets

of a veteran professional trout angler - and apply them instantly.

This man consistently catches big trout.


 That's why I said to John Giacon,
who has 50 years experience catching big trout:

"Teach me the killer information about catching big trout.

REALLY BIG TROUT! Make it short, interesting and complete!

Now that's actually a huge trout.

The spring balance in John's hand reads just over 14 pounds!







  John Giacon is the fishing guide rich celebrities ask for by name

when they come to New Zealand to catch trout.

He's the current godfather of trout fishing.

He writes trout fishing instruction books, glossy trout fishing books,

and he teaches 'how to catch big trout' fishing classes.

He still fishes for trout every chance he can, in trout rivers all over the world -
always with a fly.


 John's secrets to catching big trout
are in this ebook report ...

How To Catch Big Trout


 Dear Brother Angler, or Sister Angler,
 My name is Brian Morris and I'm extremely fortunate.

  I was in the group when John Giacon taught us his secrets to catching bigger trout -

  everything is totally legal - using a standard flycasting rod and gear.

  We learned in a few hours what John had spent 50 years learning.

 Wow! He knows so much.

 He showed us his big trophy trout to prove

he knows what he's talking about.

I say he's the trout fishing equivalent of 'The Horse Whisperer'.

He seems to have a special gift. And now he's written it down for you.

 Basically, he told us his secret is in knowing WHERE to look for big trout;

WHEN to fish for them, as in what time of day to fish.

 He talked about how to cast your line; and what you need to know about the trout's instincts

and thinking processes. I've never seen that in books before.

 When you know this stuff you have a genuine advantage over the trout.

 Your first lesson: Big trout are smarter than small trout.

They're almost not the same species.

(Think of you and a teenager in a wisdom contest.

You have the advantage of your years.)

 That's how big trout got to be big!

They are the smart ones.

I was beginning to understand John's thinking.

Believe me, if you don't understand a trout's instincts

you're fishing the hard way.

 After our training ended, I said to John

"Could you write a short book with everything you just taught us in it?

Could you keep it simple.

Leave out all the celebrity clients stuff and just include

the essential secrets to catching big trout.

Include all your best tips on how YOU catch big trout."

 Then I pushed him harder.

 "John," I said, "you're over 70.

Why risk losing to the world all the knowledge

you've learned over the past 50 years about catching big trout?"

No one likes being reminded that they're mortal.

"Please write it all down. Please."

 Eventually I convinced him. This ebook is the result.

How To Catch Big Trout.

It's about 100% legal fishing with a fly rod, fishing in regular streams, rivers, dams and lakes.

 We're both pleased with this trout-catcher's manual

because it's short - about 40 pages or so.

In one hour of reading you will learn techniques that will enable you

to outsmart and catch some big trout.

I promise! Or you get your money back.

 Remember, big trout (I'm talking anything over 10 pounds) do get caught - regularly.

Anglers who are members of the 'Ten Pound Club', or the equally prestigious '24 Inches Club'

know it took more than luck to land those big fish.

That's Peter Scott with a huge trout (weight unknown, but it looks impressive).

Peter is a client who employs John as his guide.

They've become close friends over the years.


 You know age brings wisdom, and that goes for the trout and the angler.

Crafty grandad trout don't fall for a sucker punch thrown by some novice kid angler.

 There is more to catching big trout in a river or dam than just dunking your line. Lots more.

  • First, you need to know how big trout think
  • Where they like to hang out
  • What they like to eat
  • What time of day they get hungry
  • How to tempt them, even when they're not hungry
  • When they move upstream and when they move downstream
  • When and why they migrate from stream to lake or ocean
  • And when they come back again. 

  When you understand how trout think - you'll catch huge trout like this too.
  You should also know when trout are in peak condition. (Why waste effort catching a scrawny fish?)

  Knowing how trout behave is the first essential thing you need to know. By the end of today, you will!

 I asked John Giacon to structure his ebook report

so you learn the important things in the proper order.

We identified 37 essential things you must know if you want to catch big trout. 

I don't think anyone has ever created such a list before.


 Please appreciate this. If any ONE essential factor is wrong, or missing, you won't catch a big trout.
Not even a three pounder. You'll be wasting your time. Maybe you'll have a nice day out, but no fish.

 The first section of this ebook covers what you must know and do before you leave the house.
For instance, how to interpret the weather report.
The weather tells you which gear to pack. What time of day to arrive at the fishing spot.
(Notice, it's not when you leave home. It's when your line hits the water!)

 Then you need to know how to read the land signs you see at the river or lake.
Yes, the land tells you how to pick the most likely spots where big trout lurk.

 Now, which direction should you move? Upstream or down the river? It's important to know.

 It's all in here. Everything you need to know to out-smart the bigget trout.
The second section of John's book covers what you must DO to outsmart the biggest trout.

 Look, anyone can catch a little trout because they are not very smart. They're certainly not yet cunning. Catching little fish is NOT what this ebook is about. To catch a big trout you need to out-smart that sucker.

 You've got to be three steps ahead of the biggest trout in the thinking department.

THAT's what this ebook is about. And it isn't sold in bookshops or tackle shops. Only here.


If you want John's book
'How To Catch Big Trout'
for $10. Click here now.


Please have your credit card ready.
This is an encrypted safe website
It's the same encryption system as used by Swiss banks and

US Military.  

Let me tell you what you get in John's book

  1. This ebook is about fly fishing, not about anything illegal. (John thinks using a worm is straightout barbarian.) Fishermen who use a fly or a lure pit their skills against a wily athletic trout. John says "If you're going to catch a fish, make it a trophy fish. I release any fish under five pounds. The ten pounders are in there. I'll show you how to catch them."
  2. This book is not the bible of trout fishing. It's only 43 pages. So it's more like the Ten Commandments - just the essentials. But like the ten commandments, you don't get to pick and choose. You must observe them all to be successful. Remember, the trout write the rules.
  3. This ebook is not about fishing off the back of a boat on a lake, with a fish-finder. That's way too easy. Where's the challenge?
  4. Whether you're new to fly fishing or somewhat-experienced, you'll learn the essential steps to catch bigger trout. You can always learn something from an old fisherman who consistently catches big fish.
  5. This book applies to catching big rainbow trout and big brown trout which are cunning and the hardest to catch. When you know how to catch a big one, hooking into any other trout varieties, like steelhead, redbands, redsides, cutthroats, brookies will be a breeze.
  6. There's a 100% money-back guarantee. You decide whether the information you receive is worth the download fee. Take 30 days to decide. By then you will have read the ebook and absorbed all the wisdom. You'll have applied your new knowledge in the rivers, streams, dams and lakes where you live - anywhere in the world where there's trout - and you'll have caught some big fish. Well done.

All the rest of what you need to know is in John's book.
How To Catch Big Trout.

That's a spring scale in John's hand (below) and it reads over 14 pounds.
He has caught more than a dozen like this in recent times.
I wish I had more photos of the other big trout John has caught.
You'd certainly be impressed.


If you want John's book
'How To Catch Big Trout'
for $10. Click here now.


Please have your credit card ready.
This is a guaranteed safe web site.


Read what these people say about John Giacon's skills as a fisherman and fishing tactics teacher.

Here's today's testimonials...

"Top o the mornin to y'all. I'm Charles Kramer in Monterey, California.
 "As I sit here at 4am this Sunday morning I'm looking at a photo I took last year
of John Giacon and my brother Ray Kramer.
 They are poring over maps of the Lake Rotorua area, laying out possible big trout habitats. John is so familiar with this whole area.
"Being a surveyor myself, I'm attempting to fix the spots and match the map points with John's eloquent verbal descriptions of specific landmarks.
All the while I'm listening as John recounts numerous tales of fishing trips with his other mates.
I could listen to the man all day.
 "It has been my good fortune to have made two fishing expeditions with John, my brother Ray and two other American mates.
 "Those occasions around the Waitangi area in New Zealand were life changing moments for me. Now I look forward daily to my return to the country which has given me so much joy. My head is filled with the wondrous times we all had. I owe so much to John Giacon. Imagine ... he invited us to go fishing with him!
 "Each time, John was at the Auckland airport to gather Ray and me and trundle us and our bags away to the comfort of his home, with his lovely wife Leith. In a heartbeat the exhausting flight from Monterey is washed away and the good times begin all over again.
"As you can tell, I'm proud and pleased to call John Giacon my friend. He knows all about trout fishing. I reckon you'll learn heaps from him."
Charles M Kramer,
685 Park Avenue, Monterey, CA 93940, USA.






To whom it may concern!
 "I am a trout fisherman with 65 years of flyfishing experience and

I have fished New Zealand rivers and lakes for the last 16 years.
 "I first met John Giacon when he managed the largest fishing shop in Auckland. Right from the first day I met him he was the proverbial fountain of knowledge, at least pertaining to catching trout. He knows New Zealand waters, and he shares what he knows - phrased according to YOUR knowledge and experience.
 "I have observed him teaching flycasting and have seen the results. He could have a total klutz fishing more than adequately after one session.
 "John founded and was President of Trout Unlimited New Zealand for many years and was special guest at our annual USA convention of Trout Unlimited. He has organized flyfishing contests throughout the Pacific and I've been on several of these with him. He has done a masterful job of organizing and creating a fun atmosphere every time.
 "John has written three books, the most recent joyfully exposes the fishing foibles of his friends AND HIMSELF!

 "What a great sense of humor! I feel John is only at the beginning of a career as a writer of humorous outdoor adventure stories. Buy his book. You won't regret it."
Ray Kramer, Anchorage, Alaska.


To whom it may concern!

"I have known John Giacon for 15 years. I have attended his (trout fishing) classes, clinics and we've been on numerous fishing trips, sometimes as a client, always as a friend. All have been an enjoyable and at times memorable fly fishing experiences. He is one of the best in the business. He even lets me out-fish him on most occasions."
Peter Scott, New Zealand. (That was Peter photographed with his big trout, up top.)


Look. There's something important on every page

� You'll learn the quick-to-use tips John tells his celebrity guests when he's their fishing coach.

He has to teach them quickly because often they have only ONE DAY to fish.

(John doesn't get paid a bonus unless they land a big trout.)

He explains all this and more when he shares insider comments from

some professional trout fishing guides on page 36.

� You'll learn why Polaroid sunglasses are essential, even when the sun isn't shining. Read page 21.

� You'll know when the trout can see YOU on the river bank.

And how to avoid being seen. It's all explained on page 20.�

� You'll learn the best times of day to fish for big trout.

It's called 'the magic hour'. And it's the best time by far.

It's when everyone catches more fish. See page 30.
 You'll learn why any noise (talking, radio, even snapping a twig underfoot)
can make the big trout cautious, even downright suspicious.
But you'll also learn how to overcome the big trout's natural trepidation.
It's explained on page 19.

You'll discover some new ways to cast your line to avoid obstacles and snags.
Like John's 'bow and arrow' cast. Anything that cuts your frustration level is good.
See page 10. Novice fly casters should study this page closely. 

 You'll learn why some trout prefer deep pools and others prefer the shallows.
Soon you'll know where the biggest trout lurk.
And how to entice old grandad trout out of hiding. Go straight to page 27.

 The important lesson John learned when he hooked six big trout
and lost every one of them. Don't let this happen to you. See page 34. 

 You'll learn how to interpret the fisherman's weather forecast,
so sun and wind don't stop you having a great day. Page 33.

 You'll learn why you look at your calendar to check the moon's phases.
You want to know whether tomorrow will be a good day to catch big trout, or not.
This knowledge applies worldwide, in northern and southern hemispheres. Page 14.

 You'll learn why the clever angler checks the stream water temperature.
A regular pool thermometer will do, and once you've read the water temperature,
you'll know whether to move upstream where the water is colder or downstream where the water is warmer.
That knowledge alone will save you hours of empty fishing. Page 13.

 You'll learn the three primary motivations of big* trout. They're different to little* trout.
You need to understand the trout's psyche.
You'll appreciate how the trout you want to catch got to be so big.
They're smart and they plan to swim again tomorrow.
You MUST read page 40. Otherwise ...

*Remember the story of the young bull who spied a field of beautiful cows on heat.
He says to the old bull "I'll race into them and I'll do me one!"
But the old bull replied "No, let's both saunter down, casual-like,
and we'll do them all."
Trout fishing can be like that.

 You'll know which one question to ask your local land and fish acclimatisation society.
The answer will lead you to where the biggest trout live, 365 days a year. See page 28.
 This much trout fishing knowledge took John 50 years to learn.
The real question is: have you got that much time to learn it all the hard way?
Or do you want to catch a big trout tomorrow?


OK folks, it's decision time


 I reckon you know enough now to make a decision about this.

Please answer these questions honestly:

  1. Do you want to catch little fish all your life, or BIG TROUT?
  2. Do you want a wasted journey and a wasted day because you don't know how to interpret the weather forecast and read the Moon's phases?
  3. Do you know the best times of day for catching big trout? There is a 'best time'.
  4. If you've already spent hundreds of dollars on fishing gear, is another ten bucks a good investment if you get insider knowledge from a fishing professional who consistently catches big trout all over the world? Silly question. You betcha it is!

 If you buy now you get 30 days to evaluate everything. So there's no risk.

 My 100% money back in full REFUND GUARANTEE protects you if you're not absolutely delighted.

 I know you will be delighted. Everyone is.


If you want John's book
'How To Catch Big Trout'
for $10. Click here now.

Please have your credit card ready.
This is a guaranteed safe web site.


 You'll be glad you got JOHN'S WHOLE PACKAGE.

 Remember, you can't buy this book in shops.�

BM_casual.jpg BM_signature3.GIF

Brian Morris, trout fishing friend of John Giacon
Telephone worldwide 0064211922936.

But not when I'm asleep, please. My time zone is GMT+12 hours.

Street address: 1 Weka Place, Picton 7220, New Zealand.
Email:   or  

P.S. Here's something else you'll get.
Everyone who buys John Giacon's ebook How To Catch Big Trout
gets something money can't buy. That's John's lifetime of experience.
Whether you're new to trout fishing or you've been catching big ones for years,
remember this... You can always learn a new idea from someone
with 50 years of trout catching experience.

 There's a world of difference between 'Going Fishing'

and bringing home a big rainbow trout or a steelhead.

 All this is a pretty impressive package for ten bucks.

Besides, you really don't risk anything.

You're covered by our 30 day money-back guarantee.

It's a trust thing among the worldwide trout fishing brotherhood.
 Let me say that again ... read the book for 30 days ... use the full month, then decide.
That's my address above. So there's absolutely no risk with a 100% money-back guarantee.

P.P.S. Other fishermen don't usually share the secret places where they caught their big trout. John does.

Hey, knowing where to find successful fishing locations is hugely valuable information wherever you live.

John tells you how to recognise the best fishing spots in any trout river, lake, dam or stream.

Yes, when you have the knowledge you make your own luck.


If you want John's book
'How To Catch Big Trout'
for $10. Click here now.

Please have your credit card ready.
This is an encrypted safe website

    Notice the size of that trout. None of the photos here have been retouched or Photoshopped.

    Every trout is a real fish. It really is a lovely trout. How heavy would you say?

    Actually it was 14 pounds. John has caught a few beauties like that.

    OK. Did you buy John's book? Or are you prepared to go home empty-handed?

    Simple question really.

   The end.